1. Cáo buộc ai đó vì đã làm gì.

S accused Sb of doing sth
“ You stole the money on the table”, she said to him
 She accused him of stealing the money on the table.
2. Thừa nhận hoặc phủ nhận đã làm gì.

S+ admitted/ denied+ Ving/ having P2.
He said “Yes, I did”
 He admitted stealing/ having stolen the money on the table
He said: “ No, I didn’t”
 He denied stealing/ having stolen the money on the table
3. Lời khuyên (should/ought to/ had better/ If I were you…/ Why don’t you)
S + advised sb + (not) to V
“If I were you, I would save some money” she said
 She advised me to save some money.
“You shouldn’t believe him” Jane said to Peter.
 Jane advised Peter not to believe him.

4. Câu mời (Would you like……?)
S+ offered Sb Sth
S+ offered to do Sth
S + invited sb+ to V
“Would you like a cup of coffee, Peter?” I said.
 I offered Peter a cup of coffee.
“Would you like me to clean the house for you” he said.
 He offered to clean the house for me.
“Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?” he said.
 He invited me to go to the cinema with him that night.

5. “Don’t do sth…” “Never do sth…”
S asked/ told Sb not to do sth
S warned against Ving/ warned sb not to do sth
“Please don’t tell anyone what happened.” Ann said to me.
 Ann told me not to tell anyone what had happened.
“Never enter this room” she warned me.
 She warned me against entering that room.
 She warned me not to enter that room.

6. “Don’t forget/ Remember to V”
S reminded Sb to do sth.
He told me: “Don’t forget to come here on time tomorrow”.
 He reminded me to come there on time the next day.
She said to all of us: “Remember to submit the report by this Thursday”
 She reminded all of us to submit the report by that Thursday.

7. Câu cảm thán: “ What a/an +Adj+ N”
“How + adj/ adv + N/ S+ be/ V”
Trực tiếp: What a lovely dress!
Tuỳ theo xúc cảm và hình thức diễn đạt, chúng ta có thể dùng nhiều hình thức khác nhau như sau:
Gián tiếp: She exclaimed that the dress was lovely.
She complimented me on the lovely dress.
Eg: “What a strange idea!”he said.
 He exclaimed that it was such a strange idea.

8. “ Thank you for….”
 Thank Sb for Ving/ N
Eg: “Thank you for helping me finish this project “ he said to us.
 He thanked us for helping him finish that project.
“ Thank you for this lovely present.” I said to him.
 I thanked him for that lovely present.

9. “ Congratulations …”
S congratulated Sb on Ving
Eg: “Congratulations! You won the first prize” he said to me.
He congratulated me on winning the first prize.

10. “ Sorry…”
S apologized to sb for Ving
Eg: “Sorry, I broke your vase” he said to his mother.
 He apologized to his mother for breaking her vase.
11. WARN: cảnh báo
S+ warned+ sb+ to V/ not to V + O
Hoặc S + Warned sb against Ving: cảnh báo ai làm( không làm ) gì
Eg: “Don’t play ball near the restricted area.” I said to the boy:
–> I warned the boy not to play ball near the restricted area /
–> I warned the boy against playing ball near the restricted area

12. PROMISE : lời hứa
S+ will/won’t + V-
 S +promised+sb+to + V / not to V: hứa làm gì
Ex: ” I won’t never do this again ” He said to her
–> He promised her not to do that again

13. THREATEN : đe dọa
S+ threatened (sb)+to V/ not to V : đe doạ (ai) làm gì
Ex: He said ” I will kill you if you don’t do that “-
-> He threatened to kill me if I didn’t do that

14. SUGGEST: đề nghị
Shall we+ V….
Let’s+ V…
How/What about+ Ving….
Why dont we + V ..
 S+ suggested+ Ving= S+ suggested+ that+ S+ should/shouldn’t+ V: đề nghị cùng làm gì.
Ex: ” Why don’t we go out for a walk?” said the boy.
→ The boy suggested going out for a walk

15. Gợi ý cho người khác : “Why don’t you+ Vo? dùng cấu trúc S+ suggested+ that+ S+ should/shouldn’t+ V
“Why don’t you have a rest?” he said to her
 He suggested that she should have a rest.

16. WISH: chúc
S+ wished+ sb+ (a/a) + adj+N: chúc ai đó có được điều gì
Ex: ” Have a happy birthday” she said
 She wished me a happy birthday

17. WELCOME : chào mừng, chào đón
S+welcomed+sb/st+to+place: chào đón ai đến với ..
.Ex: ” Welcome to my house , my dear ” she said to her friend
 She welcomed her friend to her house

18. AGREE : đồng ý
S+ agreed+ to V: đồng ý làm gì
Ex: Ann: ” Would you wait half an hour.? “Tom: ” All right”
=> Tom agreed to wait.

19. . REFUSE : từ chối
S+ refused+ to V : từ chối làm gì
Ex: Ann: “Would you lend me another £50? “Tom: ” No, I won’t lend you any more money” .
=> Tom refused to lend her any more money.

20. INSIST: khăng khăng , nài nỉ
S+ insisted+ on+ Ving: khăng khăng, nài nỉ làm gì
Ex: Tom said “ Let me pay for myself.
=> Tom insisted on paying.

21. DREAM: mơ ước
S+ dreamed of+ Ving: luôn mơ về điều gì
Ex: Daisy said: “I want to be a famous singer in the world.”
-> Daisy dreamed of being a famous singer in the world.

22. ENCOURAGE : động viên, khích lệ
S+ encouraged + sb + to V
Ex: “Try again” she said
=> She encouraged me to try again.

23. PREVENT/ STOP : ngăn chặn
S+ prevented/ stopped + sb/st+ from+ Ving : ngăn ai làm gì, ,cái gì xảy ra
Eg: ” My mother said : ” I can’t let you use the phone
 My mother prevented me from using the phone

24. REPROACH: trách mắng
S+ reproached+ sb+ for+ Ving
Ex: ” You should have finished the report by now” John told his secretary.
–> John reproached his secretary for not having finished the report

25. BLAME : đổ lỗi
S + blamed sb + For + Ving : đổ lỗi ai làm gì
S + blamed sth + on sb.
Ex: ” It was your fault. You didn’t tell the truth ” She said
–> She blamed me for not telling the truth
She blamed her fault on me.
26. SUSPECT : nghi ngờ
S+ suspected sb of Ving : nghi ngờ ai làm gì
Ex: ” I think He stole that car ” My friend said
–> My friend suspected him of stealing that car

27. REGRET : hối tiếc
S+ regretted + Ving : hối tiếc đã làm gì
ex: ” I wish I had visited her” said He
–> He regretted not having visited/ visiting her

28. COMPLAIN : phàn nàn
S+ complained about + Sth: phàn nàn điều gì
Eg: ” You are always getting up late ” My mother said
–> My mother complained about my getting up late

29. CRITICISE : phê bình
S+ Criticized sb + For + Ving : phê bình ai việc gì
eg: ” You shoudnt have made that mistake ” the boss said to me ( bạn lẽ ra không nên gây ra lỗi đó )
–> The boss criticized me for having made that mistake

30. CALL : gọi
S+ Called sb something : gọi ai đó là gì
eg: “Liar!” => He called me a liar.